Home Care for Children
Homecare for Children
We provide expert care for medically vulnerable children with utmost patience, compassion, and dedication. At SD Healthcare Professional Agency, we care about your child’s well-being and conduct our business in accordance with our ethical and moral standards. We demonstrate this by maintaining open and honest communication with our patients’ families.
Our young patients are given the undivided attention and care by a skilled team of nurses, nursing aides and personal support workers, and because every family is different, our services are tailor-made to be adaptable to your child’s needs and family members’ choices.
We assist children who are medically vulnerable and homebound in coping with the challenges of their disease or health condition.
If you require nursing or homecare services for your homebound child, please contact us

- 1-50 Corstate Ave. Suite 3 Concord, ON L4K4X2, Canada.
- +16477927638 Ex. 1002
- +18883670940
- info@sdhealthcare.ca