Agency Nursing
Build your career around a future that you picture. With permanent and temporary placements available in Canada’s leading private and public healthcare facilities, you have the power to choose where you work and get the security you deserve.
With over 1000 positions available across Canada, HPA gives you the liberty to gain experience in a variety of areas. Our specialists are actively seeking positions in cities and regions across Canada. We work with you to develop a career that meets your objectives, regardless of your level or specialization.Hospital Nurse
Registered Nurse
Registered Psychiatric Nurse
Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Practical Nurse
Occupational Health Nurse
Homecare Nurse
Physical Therapist
Therapist Assistant
Nursing Student

Agency Nursing
As an agency nurse, you’ll have more career options. With over 1000 shifts available every day across cities, rural and remote regions in Canada, SDHPA allows you to gain experience in a variety of fields.
We cover all specialties in the public and private sectors in every province and territory, and we offer a quick and simple recruitment process to guide you towards a placement that provides the variety and satisfaction you seek.
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- 1-50 Corstate Ave. Suite 3 Concord, ON L4K4X2, Canada.
- +16477927638 Ex. 1002
- +18883670940